Last week check the net and found out that i'd been shortlisted to go to JPA's interview. And time pass very quickly. Today, my turn to interview. BSK, Amy, May, Swee Fan, and many-many more friends had done their interview and I think I'm the last.
JPA interview!
JPA, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam. Why not Jabatan Pertahanan Awam? Also JPA. *clap clap* = =. This one better, I think I have more chance and more confident. LOL!
My interview time written in the letter, was 2.45 pm today. My mum have meeting where she told her pengetua that she need to be out before 1. Then her pengetua told her that the meeting will sure end before 1. LOL. Lier. My mum haven reach home, nothing to eat. After she reach home, of course also nothing to eat lar. Straight from her school, none stop driving. After she reach home, I straight jump into her car, where my dad drive and my mum sit at the side. Everyone very hungry haven eat. Morning just eat rubbish nia. So, went to the KFC near the Pustaka there. Tapao the food and eat in the car. So, I arrived at the Pustaka Negeri around 2.00pm. in time. Went in, sign on a piece of paper with one of my name in the list. Then, the kakak asked me to wait until they call my name to take my number. So, I sit at a side. Many many names being called, more and more people leave the ground floor to the waiting room up stairs. Waited, waited, waited until I hampir berkarat. (Oh ya May, I didn't bring my blanket and my BIG THICK BOOK!! LOL! Not I forget, I purposely don't wanna bring. HAHA^^)
One by one I saw the people's name being called and went into the room. From 2 something until 4 something. Then I remember May said that Amy went for the interview the first day and waited for 4 hours. I also realise that all the interviewees there, the interview time written in the letter is 2.45pm. Everyone same!What the!
Hell, why my name hasn't been called. What's going wrong? Most of the interviewees wore baju kurung or office wear. Yea, me too, for the first time, wear baju kurung. Can imagine?LOL! Everyone look smart, cool. Then I notice that at the ground floor, only me, left, wearing baju kurung. All the interviewees had gone in except me. Then, one of the kakak walked out from the library to the counter, my mum went and asked her is it still many people inside? My mum was told that each group consist of 5 interviewees with three interviewers. 10 person had gone in to see the panel. there were still three left. Heard so, my mum told that I'm one of the three left. So, I continue waiting. wait wait wait. macam tunggu apa!!! Then I saw a pair of pengantin, they went to the pustaka to take photo.Walao, come until here to take photo.LOL. Around 4.30 like that, the second and third group interviewees went out. One of my friend, Yee San, came to me and told me that they were told that they were the last group of interviewees. Hell, what's on earth is going on? I've been waited for 2 and a half hours! Jangan beritahu saya saya tak dapat interview?Then my mum go and ask the other fat kakak who went out after my friend. The kakak say that everyone was already there and the interview is going to end soon. HELL!!! What the!
After my mum told the fat kakak that I was missed out, then the fat kakak bring me up. She said that my name had been called but I didn't even hear anyone calling my name for I've been waiting there since 2 o'clock! She brought me to a room and said to the guy :"Ini budak tercicir!" Hell, what the! BUDAK TERCICIR! APALAH TU! Anyway, I'm glad that I still have to chance to sit for the interview. Kalau tidak, my mum say she will write to the newspaper to complain! LOL!
Luckily, the interviewers are still there and there were 3 of us haven being interviewed. Besides me, there were 2 more guys. One chinese, one bumi. I'm the only left-out for today. The other two boys' interview date was yesterday.That chinese boy, who should attend the interview yesterday did'nt make it and all his cert haven being sah by anyone.he wasn't in kuching yesterday, just came back from Australia. that's what he said, donno true or false. LOL. Surprisingly, he is one of my enemy, where he also choosed actuarial science. The other guy, Jonathan, just came back from NS this morning 11 o'clock and rush to the Pustaka after taking all his document. That's what he told the panel. Ok, then check our photocopied cert that had already been sah, arranged in order, gave it to one of the kakak, took our number and pin on our clothes then waited. Again have to wait. But this time just for a while, since we are the last group and the last three. We were leaded to the Panel 1 room where the 3 interviewers were there ready waiting for us. After knocking the door, asked for permission then sit down according to our number. My number,2, so I sitted at the middle of the 2 guys. Being surrounded. LOL! Then the head of the interviewer, I forgot what's her name, introduce herself and the other 2 interviewers. Then, it's our turn to introduce ourself. We were told to introduce our name, former school, family background, and our KK and also try to KEK all our achievement and award received. The chinese boy started first introduce himself, and I always forgot what's his name. LOL! Then, my turn. I crapped a lot of rubbish. After we finished our intro, we were given 2 topics to discuss.
- the use of internet among the youth in searching information. (something like that, I can't actually remember)- in BI.
- standard Pendidikan Malaysia. (we were asked to discuss in BM for this topic. MUST IN BM)
Well, everyone start thinking. We need to respond quick. The chinese boy everytime rabut to be the first to speak. The first topic I think I did it well. Well, hell comes during the discussion of the second topic. I'm the last to speak, and I voice out my opinion. First first still ok, everything's going well. But suddenly I stopped. BULLSHIT! My brain suddenly stop functionning. Hell, what am I talking? What should I talk?
The room suddenly became so quiet until I can hear the heartbeat of everyone. I don't think I'm nervous. No feel that time when I reach Pustaka until I was leaded to the interview room. No feel at all, no nervous, nothing. Mampus lah kali ni. First first everything was alright until I stopped suddenly. DIE! One of the Indian Interviewer told me that I can just voice out my opinion in English if I really cant say it out in BM. Not language problem. Is my problem. Suddenly donno what to say. Matilah!Then,one of the interviewer asked the 2 boys anyone wanna help. That chinese boy, said he wanna correct me. Before I stopped, I'm talking something like our former prime minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad. I thought that boy so good wanna help me, who knows he say wanna correct me, SHOOT ME! He said our former prime minister should be Dato Sri Abdullah. What the! That time I'm already blur blur, didn't respond on what he said. Until the discussion ends baru I remember that tolonglah, Tun Mahatir is also our former prime minister mah! haha^^ I donno what am I talking and I can't continue on what I've just said. So hell I stopped it just by saying I think thats all. HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After asking some stupid-stupid question like if you were given the course that is not your choice, will you accept. Stupid question I say. Of course everyone say I WILL! BODOH! ^^
Then the Indian interviewer say that's all for today! WOW, not up to half an hour I think. Sebab semua orang dah sedia nak balik?wanna rush home to sleep? LOL^^
This was my first interview and I had really try my best. First time I know nothing. Next time I'll know how to KEK myself after hearing the last boy KEK himself. LOL^^ My mum in the car told me that during interviews, no need to scare how thick is your face lar. If you wanna win, just KEK AS MUCH AS U CAN! LOL^^
And one more thing, the interviewers today, ALL DAMN GOOD LAR.really nice. DAMN NICE with "URTB" face. Like what, make me feel really unconfortable. they all laugh when I said "the yellow yellow thing" when discussing the first topic. LOL! And they didn't even shoot any question to us. Before we went out the room, we shack our hand with them and say thank you. They all wish us the best and hope that the 3 of us can receive this scholarship. LOL. Everyone they wish like that, then everyone tiok meh? LOL!
Anyway, I had already tried my best and just wait for any reply. My first interview, gila punya interview. no nervous no feel. SO COOL! LOL^^