Monday, March 1, 2010

Addicted!!! Rubik Freak!!!

Oh my gosh!!! I'm freaking addicted with RUBIK!!!! Rubik freak!!!

oh well, my classmates all call me Rubik's girl!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

My collection~ ^^V all sort of sizes~

3X3X3 Rubik's cube. Mind me.. its kinda easy to solve this. Hahahahaha.. just need about 1 minute 10 seconds?? I know, still, its kinda slow. The world record is around 7 seconds if I'm not mistaken. LOLz... that guy can solve 10 when I finish solving one.

I bought a new 3X3X1 Rubik cube few days ago!!! But my brother smashed it with his fat little hand!! >.< *shout* I WANT A NEW ONE!!!!

And I've 2 of this!! Rubiks mirror cube!!! Its kinda confusing when you start playing it. But, when you get used to it, its super easy to play. =)

By rotating the cube, you will get something like this...

Well, now people find it easy to solve a 3X3X3 Rubik. So, my brother start to play this!!! A 4X4X4 Rubik!!! >.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

This is a Rubik's cube lamp created by illustrator/ designer Eric Pautz, tcomposed of 26 interlocking coloured cubes which can be rotated into an almost limitless array of colour combination. By rotating the cube, the lamp can produce forty-three trillion unique colour patterns. Freaking cool man!!! But, the bad news is, the Ribuk's lamp is only a concept design and has not yet been produced. =(

This is my dream!!!!
A TOUCHSCREEN RUBIK'S CUBE. or known as Rubik TouchCube!!!
*shout* Ahhhhhhhhh!!! I want I want!!!!
Instead of having moving parts, the touchscreen Rubik’s Cube has an accelerometer that detects swipes to rotate the colored lights.
But its freaking expensive!!! And I don't think it could be found in Malaysia?? Lolzz...
Around $150 (USD)

Here are some more different kinds of Rubik.

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